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Success Articles > Live Pressure Free and Be Who You Were Born to Be!

Are you in alignment with your assignment? Can you honestly say that you are living the life you were born to live, and doing what you were born to do? You were uniquely designed to do something phenomenal. And don't try to fit the mold that other people say you should fit. That will never work. Take the pressure off of yourself and stop trying to be who people say you should be, and unleash an abundance of inner happiness and peace by being who you were divinely born to be.

So many times individuals are frustrated because they are not fulfilling their assignment in life. We only have one life to live on earth so we should be doing all that we can do to make sure we are living it in purpose. That can release an abundance of life satisfaction. As I look back upon my life there were so many times when I felt confused about why I was here on earth. And I knew deep inside that there was more than I was currently experiencing. It was not until I lost my job as a corporate nurse due to corporate downsizing that I began to see my true purpose emerge.

If you read my articles on a consistent basis you will see that many of them discuss purpose. That is because for so long I lived in a box not fully understanding who I was, or who I was created to be. And if I can help someone else live a higher quality of life through my experience that is what I am dedicated to doing.

You were born with a specific purpose. And knowing your specific purpose is important to living your life to the fullest. I am a witness to that. There is something you were born to do that can help you shine in a way greater than you can even imagine. There is space in this world where your gifts can flourish. And there are opportunities waiting on you so that you can enjoy your life more!